Top 5 Ways to Include Number in Post Headline

I was feeling picky going through the feed the other day. As I skipped my favorite poster who happened to run the SEO overoptimisation day, I started contemplating about the fact I am actually not opening many posts at all.

Then a weird idea came. I ran a quick check in my head and it felt right. I opened my own posts and verified I actually avoided the thing subconciously. Yes, I was checking my headlines for the presence of numbers.

This is my 18th post (in 13 months) and only the fourth to contain a number in it. I have recently used the "Top X Things" once before this post. One time it got smuggled in as I quoted another post's headline (that happened to be Episode 11 of a series). One use was actually generic (I discussed a certain dustsweeping threshold in #dCity game).

Well, I used "First" three times in my first eight oldest posts. What a noob.

So I sat down to narrow down the circumstances that make me skip opening posts that i never read or upvote as a consequence. They actually come in quite big baskets. Fortunately, I am not fat enough to create any injustice so any conclusions are drawn at your own risk.

Number Five. Original artwork

I Am Alive Challenge - Day 337

I appreciate your perseverance. Someone else must have rewarded it along the way if you are still here. I am sorry you feel worn out but the next round number must be right around the corner.
On the upside, I like you kept it at daily basis. There are scripts that try every four or six hours.

My Actifit Report for 31.6.2021

Everyone knows what is the date today. I know you know I know. You are telling me to distinguish the post from what you posted yesterday and what you are going to post tomorrow. I fully expect to need the help. If it were recognisable by the contents, there would have been a clue in the headline.

I Just Staked 100 ARCHON

I am glad you did, I like the token too. Or maybe I no longer do and this has put you on my ignore list. Either way, it is your money, not mine. I do not need to know the amount. Most likely, I have no idea how large the amount feels to you anyway. I can tell it is 2 % of your HP but I have no idea what fraction of your net worth that constitutes. You are better off setting the post rewards to burn and let the fans reward you three hours from now when you make a decent post (and everyone still remembers what camp you are in). It also makes your haters look silly when they downvote a legitimate post.

BTC Testing 40k Level

This one has a decent chance of containing some actual thoughts I would like to read despite not knowing what direction the movement came from or what the price was in a currency I care about more than USD. I could have liked it 7 hours ago as it crossed 30k EUR but you missed your window of opportunity. Now, I am axiously waiting for you at the 200k CZK mark.

Top 5 Ways to Include Number in Post Headline in 2021

They say it works for SEO. For some reason, I can't remember the last time I saw such a headline on Hive. It could be obsolete. Or maybe it works. I do not know.

Not a financial advice. Or is it? If you still like your numbers, just laugh it off. I do not have any issues with the actual initiatives mentioned here as I peacefully ignore them at my own expense.

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