back to basics - part 2

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

Today in 'back to basics' we explore lead capture pages

What is a lead capture page?

Lead capture page is a splash page with an additional component.
The user is asked to enter the name and email address, so that we can send more information.

To send more information autoresponders are used.
Once the user confirms, the autoreponders sent emails over a period of time, giving information in pieces.

Why should you use lead pages?

You may heard phrases like 'build your list', 'money is in the list'
Lead capture pages helps to build a list of leads who are interested in the product/opportunity you are promoting.

Once in the list, you can build a relationship or trust.

what are the key ingredients of a lead capture page?

  1. Branding to stand out from the crowd. you should have your photo or a logo on your page
  2. Video / key points on the opportunity/ product
  3. Title is very key, as that is what attracts attention or curiosity.
  4. Fields/placeholders to accept information. i.e., first name and the email address. Some ask for optional phone numbers too.

Sample Lead Capture Page:

What are the advantages of using a lead capture page over a splash page?

Lead capture page allows to send information to the prospect/lead.
It also allows us to build a trust and relationship.

For affilates, it is important to build a list.
Once they are in the list, you can contact them anytime.

while, splash pages give basic information, generate curiousity and redirect them to the main opportunity/ product page.
There is no way you can contact them, unless they signup. That also has limitations.

How do you create Lead capture pages?

There are sites which guide you in creating Lead capture pages. They also store them and provide a link for you to promote


If you any suggestions on questions, please do leave a comment below.

thank you for reading my post

see you tomorrow,


🏂 Are you participating in Alive Engagement Contest?

On Alive Engagement Contest, they are giving out daily prizes of 200 Hive Power delegations for 4 weeks, and that is done every day, which means a total of 5600 Hive Power delegations for 4 weeks each month. Anyone with Hive account can participate.

for more details click the link 👇

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