Outgrew the 10K CTP tokens milestone! And yet, I'm not one of the big stakers of CTP.

I've been with CTPTalk tribe and its token CTP since the beginning.

Unlike most on Hive (then Steem), I had the advantage of knowing Jon (and his partner Blain) for years.

While I couldn't know if CTPTalk would be adopted or not by users already on our blockchain, I knew they already have a niche and they are well known there. And Jon has brought new members in relentlessly. And would continue to do so, I'm sure of it.

So I trusted CTP token would be fine, unlike many others which faded away. Especially when Jon announced they will integrate it into their business and create a tool to do the same for their partners' businesses. Both of these happened already for some time. But just in case you would have expected the price to take of, this is a pretty small niche, we are not talking about Etherium whales.

Today I outgrew one of my milestones: 10K CTP tokens.

More precisely, I have 10,011 and a fraction. Plus some rewards to claim today.


Even when I posted daily, I haven't published regularly in the CTPTalk tribe, which explains why I'm not higher on the 'rich list', even though I sold very few CTP tokens over time.

To make the final push over the 10K milestone helped a curation trail put together by my friend Zoltan, otherwise known as @ph1102, who is a whale on CTP. This is his hive.vote trail, if you want to check it out: ph1102.ctptrail.

Next stop for me 20K CTP. :)

Although in the meantime I will most likely be glad to have reached another target. Same amount, 10K, different token: Hive (Power). Now I have 9,667 HIVE powered up in my main staking account, so getting really close to that milestone.

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