A Fully Loaded Update From CTP


As if the news of HivePay v2.0 wasn't big enough huh?

Well we've been busy and wanted to go over a few things we've been continuing to work on plus a little 'insider information' about a project we'll be working on in the first few weeks of 2022...

Feedback From HivePay Has Been Brilliant!


So far the feedback we've received from you guys has been nothing short of brilliant! The service is working flawlessly and our brand new Swap service has been working great!

Remember, you can save on your swap fees directly from HivePay Swap and our goal of making this the easiest to understand swapping service on chain is priority number 1!

Full documentation of HivePay 2.0 is almost complete and it should be uploaded to the website within a day or two.

New Cards Added INDEX

Even thought the first VOUCHER drop has ended, we've been accumulating assets inside of the Index Token that are paying the maximum amount to holders.

As you know, we've added Djinn Biljka, Harklaw and Djinn Oshannus a few weeks ago, but we've recently dove into some earlier gold foil legendaries and started to rent them as well.



This of course bumped our SPS air drop points by 100,000 so that will help us accumulate more SPS over the next 200 days.

As well both of these GFL's have been purchased and steadily rented for DEC returns to holders.

Currently both of these are renting every day for around 100 DEC each which has really begun to pay dividends to holders!


We'll monitor the returns throughout this season and see if we can bump it up near the season end to maximize returns for INDEX holders.

Remember, there WILL be another air drop of VOUCHER for the next issuing of Chaos Legion so make sure to hold your tokens for maximum dividends.

You can also see all holdings within INDEX right here:

=> HE-INDEX.io

We're Adding The 'Blockchain' To A CTP Program

We're not going to dive into too many details yet because we're still building it, but we have a target date launch of January 6th, 2022!

But we'll hint at a few things;

  • This will be a blockchain based feature for a popular program that we own.

  • It WILL include CTP tokens exclusively. Which means, to benefit from the new program that we are developing, the only way to use it is via...CTP Tokens.

  • It's NEVER been done before in the industry we call home :)

I know, that's not a ton to go on but we will dig deeper into news of this launch in the coming weeks with again, the target launch date of January 6th, 2022!

You guys are gonna love this, especially you o9ld school CTP Swarm members ;)

Updates To CTPtalk.com

We've been working on a few updates for the front end Outpost this week as well.

This new front end is great because we don't require a PHd in computer science to make certain cosmetic upgrades to it.

And one of the first things we wanted to do, was add links and resources to the menu bar:


Currently, it's just the link to the new HivePay Swap service but we will be adding many more links and resources to help members navigate all of the CTP eco system both on chain and offchain as well!


RPC Node Update

We are very close to getting the full RPC node for our Hive witness ready to rock.

We had a few issues last week that set us back, but it shouldn't be too much longer for the node!


Save BIG on all your Swap.Hive / Hive needs with HivePay:


Vote for our Witness Node (clicktrackprofit) On..





https://tribaldex.com/witnesses (clicktrackprofit)

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