Today, I hit 60!

No, it is not my birthday.

I just turned 60 reputation!

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I have been on Hive since the end of January 2022.

I never expected to have such a response from my fellow Hivers.


I joined Hive because of being a part of ListNerds, it made sense to join the blockchain when ListNerds relaunched.

Prior to joining Hive, I had never blogged about anything, despite the recommendations of @jongolson for the past many years.
(I don't always do as I am told, lol)

I didn't know what to expect from this blockchain, but it did not take me very long to realize that it is something special.

Hive has become a part of my life and I do not see any reason to turn back. I believe Hive has an excellent future.

I am truly honored to have a reputation of 60, and 137 followers.
You guys are simply awesome.

Until next time,
John Novak


Programs I Endorse
Click Track Profit
Rising Star Game

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