New Tool to set Hive-Engine Vote Multiplier

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A lot of people were using the vote weight multiplier feature in Leodex for different Hive-Engine tokens. This tool allows you to change the vote weight for different tokens.

For example you can upvote a post that carries the #ctp tag with 2%. Setting the vote weight multiplier for CTP to 50, this would give you a 100% upvote in CTP but you would only need a 2% upvote in Hive.

This comes very handy when you want to optimize curation for Hive-Engine tokens without depleting your Hive voting power.

Since there were these problems with Hive-Engine a couple of weeks ago, this tool has unfortunately not been working anymore on Leodex.

For some of my projects, I was using this vote multiplier function. Since I couldn't adapt it anymore, for some tokens, the vote weight was starting to get totally drained. There seems to be no service out there that would allow to change these multiplicators and I thought it would be a good idea to have such a tool.

Presenting: The Hive-Engine Vote Weight Multiplier

In many ways I'm quite a beginner when it comes to coding and there are some things that I struggle with. I tried to build this thing and it simply didn't work. Fortunately our coding genius @blainjoines took a look at my code and made the changes so that it becomes totally functional.

This tool is now available for everybody who would like to check the vote weight multiplier and the the voting power for stakable Hive-Engine tokens.

This tool also allows you to change the vote weight multiplier using Hive-Keychain.

How to use the tool

To check your actual Vote Weight Multiplier

Enter your username without @, select the currency you want to check and submit.


The tool will show you your actual vote weight multiplier and also the actual voting power for the selected token.


To set a new vote weight multiplier

Enter your username without @, select the currency and define the vote weight multiplier between 1 and 50.

If you set the vote weight multiplier to 1, this means that you will vote in this token with the same weight than you vote in hive.

If you set the vote weight multiplier to 2, this means that if you vote with 20% on Hive, you will vote with 40% on this token.

You need to confirm the transaction with Hive-Keychain.

Get access to the tool:

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