It is often so sad to see people die unnecesarily. When I come across such I'm having pained at the gross error causing death because of the high potential of avoiding death.

Sadly this particular death could have been avoided if only the people around her knew how to apply a tourniquet to stop the bleed.

On this occasion the victim was having an altercation with a friend who raised arms up against her and slashed an artery and the process.

She went on to bleed and at the site of the blood the friends we are gassed out and scared and could not do anything to salvage the situation.

Sadly one of them picked up her phone to record all that happened and we all got to see how life was going off her as blood left.

First aid procedures are required to become concepts which are taught at various stages of educational system however have not been able to incorporate this into the system as much as possible CPR has often been taught to some health and safety management sectors however these are things that the whole community should be aware of.

With the deart and scarcity of doctors and medical practitioners who do not have all their time to seeing patients these days it's necessary to begin to have this needs to create awareness on saving a life up until professional health practitioners arrive the scene.

In this video I made,, I tried to make it easy to understand how to prevent exsanguination when someone is bleeding off and keep them alive.

A quick review is also shown in this screenshot from my TikTok account @jaydeedoc where I share lots of information concerning health.


We believe we can learn from these and also give the best possible opportunities to live to people around us who may have need of our first aid skill.

Thanks for watching and reading.

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