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MED-HIVE HEALTH WEEKLY DISCUSSIONS - SKIN HEALTH #1-Imagining waking up with a different skin color a

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The truth is that color and emotion has connection. That is why, there are some colors that make us happy or iritate us. But waking up in the morning with a strange skin color may have positive or nagative effect on me depending on how i slept and how i woke up. Bellow is three questions from #med-hive which am going to answer.

You look into the mirror and your skin colour is different. What are your first thoughts?

If i wake up in the morning and notice that my skin color has changed. I will be shocked, i may want to shout or call my children to come and see with me what i am seeing. I will look at my skin several times. If it is with my naked eyes.

I will put on my glasses to be sure of the color am seeing. I will remove my blouse and ask my children to check my back if it is like my face. I will be worried if the color is too ugly. I will take a selfie and send to friend to see how I look. Maybe there will be solution from her side. But it will not stop me from completing my post or make a new one. However I will look for solution while i still carry on my daily activities.

In your contry, how do you think having a different skin colour would influence you access to health care

Although there is racism in all the country. But who it comes to accessing health care. The color of the skin has no influence. It doesn't matter how you look and how your skin color is. You will get health care surport. In fact Nigeria is one country that, color of skin don't really matter.

Does a different skin colour change anything in your daily life or relationships?

A skin color may not really change anything in one daily life. Since you are bold enough to do what you supposed to do without letting your skin color to be a barrier. But in relationships it will affect. For example there are people who hate skin color that have red patches or acne on the face or all over the body. In a situation like this, no matter how good your attitude is, the person in question may not continue the relationship.

Skin care is also important in this regard. One need to know what he or she put on to cover the skin or to care for the skin to avoid damaging the skin color. Let me say a little again on daily life. Skin color can affect it in a nagative way. Let's say the skin color is irritating and that person is running a restaurant business. Many people will not eat from him or her.

In summary, skin is a big organ which one need to care for it daily. One should be ready to detect any skin problem on time so as to care for it on time. You should use anything that will harm the skin in the name of beauty or money. Once the first skin beauty is lost, it is hard to retrieve back.

I have been able to share my feelings on this contest @med-hive.