Let's help Jane cope with her diabetes journey

Welcome friends to my page.
Lets go pay Jane a visit and see how she's doing its been a while.

Who is Jane?

Jane is a friend of mine who was suddenly diagnosed of diabetes millitus and she has to find a way to cope with the situation.
Am a nurse and i think i can help her cope with her situation, so lets see what i can do to help her.

Firstly i have help Jane understand that diabetes is not a death sentence or a medical condition that can't be managed but with diet and medications she can live long and also enjoy life.
So i will reassure Jane my friend and let her know that am always by her side anytime anyday.

Jane lets go for exercise and lets check what you eat

At this point i have been able to convince Jane that exercise and diet will help her cope with her situation.
Engaging in exercise will help her reduce her glucose level and build her body sensitivity to insulin.
It will also balance her body cholesterol and blood pressure and help her remian healthy, it will help her keep fit, no cardio issue.
And am sure Jane wants to remian healthy.


Lets check Jane's kitchen and see what she has,
Okay shes trying but she needs to do more

For a diabetic patient to cope she needs to seriously pay attention to her diet because once she's into much carbohydrates intake it will be difficult for her to control her glucose level.
Jane have to reduce her carbohydrates intake and increase her carbs, vegetable and proteins.

Should i tell Jane about the complications of diabetes?

Some completely of diabetes are heart failur, kidney failure, liver disease and many more and all this can lead to death.
I don't want Jane to die so i have to tell her what she will face if she doesn't take precautions over her health issues.
I will let her see the reasons why she should watch her diet and engage in exercise.
She also needs to know the importance of checking her glucose level on daily basis so as to know when to take her medicine.


I will be a bad friend if i hide the information from her.

Jane's Emotions is involved

It is easy to wake up one morning and see that all the food you love you can't eat them again.
Jane is physically and emotionally stressed because not just changed of lifestyle and food but also the fact that she needs to be visiting the hospital for check up so its really hard to deal with.
Jane needs me, so i will make myself available to always help in any little way i can , i can even follow her to the hospital this will make her a little bit relaxed.

Dose Jane need group support?

Jane is not a social person so she might not like it, but i will advise her to attend some diabetes seminar so that she can meet with some friends who have been managing the condition for years and learn more about how to cope.

Conclusively Jane needs more love from her family members now than ever.

But in all this what is diabetes millitus? That will be a topic for my next discussion stay tuned.

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