Order Lepidoptera bug || Caterpillars !!! 🐛

Hairy caterpillars are often found everywhere, for example in the yard or in the leaves. Caterpillars are one of the poisonous species and can make itchy when we come into contact with them. Some of them are just ordinary caterpillars or leaf-eating caterpillars like pests but among them become a dangerous attack for humans. Caterpillars are the larval stage of members of the order Lepidoptera and the growth stage of cocoons.

The formation process of butterfly larvae varies in shape, and has spiny hair. When the larvae reach maximum growth, they stop eating, walking for shelter. attach oneself to secure twigs or leaves. The larvae have entered the shedding phase of the last time to form a caterpillar. To find out more about caterpillars

Caterpillars are also pests to crops, they are predatory species of leaves and fruit. Caterpillars are also a species that are dangerous to humans, these animals are very sensitive when in contact with human limbs it can cause itching, some of these species have deadly toxins. Caterpillars are not ordinary animals that can be handled easily, they also pose a threat to us.

The daily activities of animals are eating and drinking and reproducing.

All these photos mine are taken by smartphone camera.!

Auto ISO camera resolution..!

  • Category : macro photography
  • Edits : Snapseed
  • Owner : @tinta-tertuang
  • Location : Indonesian aceh forest
  • Image catcher : smartphone
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