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Hive Stock Images: Nature, A Bridge.

I think the idea to create a community filled with stock images that can be used on hive is amazing. When creating a post, I'd love to be able to source and use images from some of HIVE's talented creator, and be able to reward them with a beneficiary set on the post. Here is a link to the community

I'm definitely not a photographer, but thought I'd pop a few images in here from my phone's camera roll. Simple pics, taken with my phone camera. Mainly posting to raise awareness of the community, but if you can use any of these, feel free.


  • Only for use on HIVE posts.

  • Can be edited, altered as you wish.

  • Credited to me @jk6276 with a link to this post.

  • A small beneficiary on the post would be nice, but not required as they are not professional quality.

I really hope this community takes off and becomes a great source of stock images for Hive, and can add an income stream for photographer's to monetize their talents.

