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Hive Stock Image: Graveyard, Cemetery, Spooky, Haloween atmosphere

Much of my early photographic learning curve was spent in cemeteries, where I was fascinated by the myriad of monuments around the place. It was also a time I spent quite a lot of time in during my youth - time spent outside of the home was split between the shops, and cemeteraies, owing to a large, dying population of family members, which saw funerary events as the main drives for social gatherings.

This image was not taken on such an ocassion. It was very deliberately taken on a disposable 35MM camera, developed, then the negative was scanned.

I then played with the image further, adding fog and the sepia tint in Photoshop.

Terms of use for this image:

  • Ensure you credit me, @holoz0r as the creator of the image
  • You may not use this image for purposes off the Hive Chain
  • You may overlay text to use this as a header image
  • If you wish to licence this image for other purposes off chain, contact me via discord holoz0r#7605

This image has been previously published in the book Haunted and Mysterious Australia.

I will be submitting further stock images as I find time to go through my archives and identify suitable images. If you have any requests, I will try to prioritise those sorts of images.