Birthday Hive Stock Images


Normally I only take the camera out when looking for specific photos to shoot. With the addition of this Stock Image Community initiated by @minismallholding, I have been bringing it along with me more often.

Last week we celebrated two of my nieces birthdays and I thought maybe I could capture some neat shots of birthday cake, candle lighting and decorations to add to the photo index. I’m glad I decided to because I was able to grab a few shots I think Hivers could use for their blogs.

We all have birthdays right? One time or another we may talk about them or even mention a relatives birthday. Maybe even a poem or story could call for one of these images. Either way I hope they can be used and enjoyed by someone.

The photos I share here will always be within the U.S. I don’t travel outside of the country and seldom go on vacations. Most of my stock images will be of everyday type scenarios from household items (including foods and natural medicines), school related, events/decor and nature. So basically the practical stuff :D


Here we go:

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All photos were taken by me with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6, copyright @crosheille

Terms of use for these images:

• Please credit and mention me, @crosheille as creator of the original image.
• If your HP is over 500 HP, a hivetip or a post beneficiary of 5% would be appreciated; Hivers under 500 HP, please enjoy the free gift.
• You may NOT use these images for purposes outside of the Hive Chain.
• You may overlay text to use as header images and modify them as needed.

Do you want to start contributing to the Hive Stock Index? Please first read About Stock Images and Important Information.

Are you looking for specific stock images to use? Please view the Stock Images Main index where you can search by genre. This will be updated periodically as more images are added.

How about image suggestions? If you want to contribute to the suggestion list on what types of images you would like to see please join the conversation and share your input.

My Stock Image Contributions

Hive Stock Images - Food
Educational Hive Stock Images

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