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Listening and Pleasing with Distriator [Esp / Eng + Eng Sub]

Escuchando y Complaciendo con Distriator. Regresamos, regresamos, regresamos con más compras pagadas en #hbd y usando la aplicación @thedistriator. En esta oportunidad, estando en casa, escuchaba a mi esposa hablando con mi hija sobre unos productos que necesitaba para ponerse más bella. Ella decía, existen unas cosas que necesito para aplicar el efecto de 5 pasos, yo ni idea de lo que estaban hablando, pero rápidamente decían que esos productos los venden en @cumanamakeup y estaban a buenos precios. Yo como no sé nada de eso, sencillamente me fui a la tienda y estando allí solo le dije la chica; amiga, escuché una conversación entre mi esposa y mi hija y entre ellas decían unas cosas sobre unos productos que se aplican en 5 pasos, de inmediato la chica entendió lo que estaba hablando.

Ella me dice; bueno, debes adquirir los siguientes artículos para que tú esposa se haga lo que está solicitando; le dije, eso es todo, seguro amiga, claro vale llévate esos artículos con confianza y verás que le gustarán. Entonces le dije ok, sácame la cuenta de todo para pagarlo en hbd; todo tuvo un total a pagar de #4.86HBD y como es costumbre lo pagué leyendo el código QR emitido por @keychain store; no hay nada mejor y seguro que esta aplicación, la cual nos hace felices a todos. No quedaba más que irme a casa a entregarle a mi esposa lo que ella quería; de verdad que adquirir productos y pagarlos con nuestros activos no tiene precio. Seguimos adelante, seguimos avanzando y fortaleciendo nuestro proyecto, nos vemos pronto.

Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta, es que la aplicación #distriator tiene dos periodos para actualizar los porcentajes de reclamo; es decir, del 1 al 15 y del 15 a fin de mes. Aclarando esto, independientemente del porcentaje que usted esté recibiendo, a los 15 y a los fin de mes, el porcentaje regresa automático a 25%. Así que si desean obtener su 60% de retorno, deben hacerlo antes de los días límites.

Listening and Indulging with Distriator. Back, back, back with more paid shopping on #hbd and using the @thedistriator app. This time, while at home, I was listening to my wife talking to my daughter about some products she needed to make herself more beautiful. She was saying, there are some things I need to apply the 5 step effect, I had no idea what they were talking about, but they quickly said that these products were sold at @cumanamakeup and were at good prices. As I don't know anything about that, I simply went to the shop and being there I just told the girl; friend, I heard a conversation between my wife and my daughter and between them they were saying some things about some products that are applied in 5 steps, immediately the girl understood what they were talking about.

She says to me; well, you must purchase the following items for your wife to have what she is requesting done; I said, that's it, sure girlfriend, sure ok take those items with confidence and you will see she will like them. Then I said ok, get me the bill for everything to pay in hbd; everything had a total to pay of #4.86HBD and as usual I paid it by reading the QR code issued by @keychain store; there is nothing better and safe than this app, which makes us all happy. There was nothing left but to go home and give my wife what she wanted; truly, acquiring products and paying for them with our assets is priceless. We move forward, we continue to advance and strengthen our project, see you soon.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that the #distriator application has two periods to update the claim percentages; that is, from the 1st to the 15th and from the 15th to the end of the month. Clarifying this, regardless of the percentage you are receiving, at 15 and at the end of the month, the percentage automatically returns to 25%. So if you want to get your 60% return, you must do it before the cut-off days.

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Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo

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