final orientation Graduated from primary school, Year 6

Hello lovely friends. Today let's look at preparing gifts for the heart. Instead of feelings that I would give to my friends, Grade 6 students. at Phuhan Suksa School On the final day of orientation, the 27th, which will be here. Before starting the first year of high school in a few days.

Make something from the heart instead of the feeling with a budget of hundreds of baht but the meaning of the feeling. Can't compare at all. Pictures cost 100 baht, candy 40 baht , brooches 20 baht.
Total of the students in the class are 21. Probably have close friends who love each other very much. Wherever we go, we go together. See the love and relationship of the children and smile happily.
My daughter goes to school together with my best friend. Close friends who live nearby, 3 houses next to each other.

Pictures of school memories With friends in the room, there are 21 people in total. Children must be very connected to each other. Because we have gone through everything together, happiness, sadness, smiling, laughing, having fun together.

The children probably think of the homeroom teacher, Ajarn Amnatsak Srihanat, Ajarn Ae, who both understands the children. and the parents are excellent.

The children are separated to study at different schools. And what will the new school be like? New friends and new teachers will have to adjust for a whil.

Thank you to all my dear friends who came to read today's story. and provide support Come and read the story again tomorrow. Bye bye.

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