Photo of today's rain on the side of the road in a busy place last month

Rainy conditions are sometimes very good for plants and other friends, so I don't forget to return some of the moments when the rain came on the road, coincidentally I really wanted to take photos of the rain today

Hi everyone, how are you, wherever you are, I hope you all stay healthy, of course on today's occasion

So, as you said below, I was really waiting for the rain today and wanted to return it and take photos of some of today's moments which look like the rain is really wet today on the streets which can be seen because it just entered the rainy season, coincidentally a few weeks ago or a few days In the past there were usually lots of people selling here, but like I said some time ago, only a month ago people were selling here during the month of Ramadan, so today it's really quiet here and the only thing left is rain here and people... People aren't here, lots of people are just passing by, but I really really like taking photos of quiet conditions like this, especially when it's raining

rain is sometimes very good for applicants and also people who need water. With water we can drink and wash clothes and can be used for all purposes, especially farmers who really need rainwater for their health and rice growth in the fields.

I have also returned it and want to get here some photos on the side of the road, it's raining today, let's see friends, all my photos are below

today is really quiet and the situation is cloudy and rainy

Photo on the side of the road in rainy conditions

It's just that a few people passed by on the street today, usually it used to be very busy

Those are some of my photos today, thank you very much for seeing them, thank you very much for seeing some of these photos

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