Saw the fishermen coming home

In the afternoon I walked alone to a beach boundary stone..I'm happy to be at this weekend. where all day long you are always in so much busyness that a lot of time is delayed for sightseeing. Some of my friends have lost contact in the last few Weeks I reckon they are at the same stage at the moment.

Many things are postponed for the holidays, but at the weekend maybe I will plan something to go to the mountains, but I really want that atmosphere because there are many things that can be made into a story that I can write, where there will be something extraordinary in there and different from the ocean.

But it doesn't matter we can enjoy anything in this world. I'm sitting here just to wait for the night after that straight home. in peace I can't see people who make a living coming home in small boats. But from a distance, you can see several large ships coming back to the pier.

beautiful and beautiful scenery, I then turned the camera towards the back of the boat, there you can see towering blue mountains, clean and also cool. I feel comfortable for a while now, with the roar of the waves being heard even though it's a little far away.

Take picture
Camera:Vivo x60
Edit: Lightroom
Location: Aceh

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