Thai dessert😍

Hello to all my lovely friends. Today, Chef Suan Anatta has completed her housework. Let's go to the kitchen. There is a Thai dessert menu for you. For friends to have a look at Suan Anatta. Now I planted bananas about 3 years ago. Now they are bearing lots of fruit. And today there are bananas that are ripe and perfect for making Thai desserts. Bananas can be adapted. Make dessert Recommended to cook I got many things. Many menus at once It's a fruit. It's delicious to eat when ripe. It fills my stomach. Today, Aom chose to syrup it with bananas and candied eggs topped with coconut milk. The formula is not secret. Revealing means prosperity😍

raw material

1 bunch of egg bananas
1 liter lime water
300 grams of brown sugar
Salt for soaking bananas 1 teaspoon
200 ml of water
Lime 2 tablespoons coconut milk
400 ml
Salt for making coconut milk 1/2 teaspoon
1 tablespoon rice flour
3-4 pandanus leaves
and flowers to decorate beauty


Let's start by preparing the clear lime water. I will dissolve red lime and water together and leave it to settle. Then pour out only the clear lime water, then add salt and stir until the salt dissolves.

Once done, let it rest before we peel the bananas. Today I used ripe egg bananas. If the banana has black lines, pull it all out as well. Once we've peeled the skin, we can soak it in lime water and leave it for about 15 minutes.
So that the bananas don't turn black.

Then drain the water and prepare to set aside. Now comes the step of making syrup.

Start by taking brown sugar and water and adding pandan leaves. This menu uses an electric stove. Use low heat to stir until the sugar dissolves. Once done, slowly place the bananas into the container. The heat from the syrup will slowly make the bananas smolder and ripen while fully absorbing the syrup. This step takes some time.

Already done, let's make coconut milk for pouring. Start with coconut milk, rice flour, add salt and stir until the salt dissolves and the flour is not grainy at all. Simmer until the flour starts to cook. You will notice that our coconut milk will become more viscous.

When you're done, you can use it because you eat it with the coconut milk syrup menu. Place it in a bowl and then pour in the coconut milk. If you like coconut milk, pour in a lot of it.
Very delicious, this menu has bananas with syrupy eggs, soft and smooth, sweet and fragrant, and then soaked in syrup and topped with coconut milk. Oh, I can say it in one word: extremely delicious. The more you troll, the more narcissistic you become. The unit dares to die. The person who must eat this menu is the husband. Ready to serve. But before serving Let your husband take the pictures first.😂

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