Songkran Day or Thai New Year is a day for Thai people to play in the water.

Hello, today we take you to see the atmosphere of Songkran Day in Thailand. Songkran Day is Thailand's New Year's Day or the day of playing in the water for Thai people. It is a tradition that has been passed down for a long time. In ancient times, grandparents and grandparents did it every year. Today we Let's take a look at the atmosphere of Songkran Day or water swimming day or Thai New Year's Day. In the southern part of Thailand, next to the border with Malaysia, how do they play water Songkran? This is the atmosphere of our family who came to play water Songkran at Songkhla Province of Thailand, which is next to Malaysia, will have a water playground with free water to play in. There will be police and officers to take care of the safety of the tourists, Malaysians, Singaporeans, Thais or all countries. Those who come to play in the water here will have a safety officer. There is water to play with all day. It's free. There are free concerts to watch. It's very fun. We play in the water all day long until night. When we're done playing in the water, our family goes to rest. At the hotel, when we woke up early in the morning, they came to make merit and release birds. We bought birds to release to give them life as an offering of merit on New Year's Day or Songkran Day. For Thai people, releasing birds is considered to give life to bring good luck to oneself. We Thai people believe that on Thai New Year or Songkran Water Swimming Day, we must be happy and make merit at the same time. I hope that friends will like the atmosphere of Songkran in Thailand or the Thai water swimming day that we have brought for you. Hello. See you again in the next post. Goodbye everyone.

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