Good morning with nature Refreshing, delicious breakfast

Good morning. This morning, take in the natural atmosphere that... Refreshing for all my friends, this is a garden inside. Malaysia, and here we grow bananas. And various vegetables change the topsoil according to the season. During this time, I will plant bananas and okra flowers. Okra can be used in many dishes. For example, put it in coconut milk curry or boil it. You can eat it with chili paste, it's delicious, or you can stir-fry it. With oyster sauce, you can make many menus. Roselle flowers will have a sticky taste. It's sticky, soft, and sweet when it's cooked. Personally, I like to eat it. It's beneficial. I'm growing bananas. This will be a big banana variety. It's big and what you can see will be our tracks. Planting watermelons next time, everyone. Hello friends. Morning with nature and good weather. Let's see. garden and then we came to have breakfast. Everyone saw Is this a chicken? It's a Saramo chicken. It's a small chicken. The one you see is a female. The female has just given birth. The children will bring their children out to find food. We will let them go. Come out to find food and then put the little ones in cages to eat. Breakfast is with noodles. This one will be shrimp noodles. The soup is made from shrimp and chili paste. The taste is delicious. Continue with the bread, everyone. Let's eat breakfast together. Hello to all friends. I hope it's a bright morning and a good day for everyone.


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