Delicious menu: Kanom Jeen, Coconut Milk Curry, Seafood

Hello everyone, today we have a delicious snack for you to eat during your free time. It is khanom jeen with coconut milk curry, but today we have shrimp and squid, called coconut milk curry, seafood, eaten with hot khanom jeen. It's very delicious. Let's go see how to make it. Follow the simple steps. We use curry paste to make coconut milk noodles. This time our curry paste will include dried chilies, garlic, lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and shallots. Chop everything into small pieces and pound them thoroughly. Then add a little shrimp paste and a little salt. That's it. We have a curry paste. Add the liquid flavor of khanom jeen by adding galangal. Everyone, because making khanom jeen What you can't miss is the galangal. We pounded everything thoroughly, then we set it aside. Then heat the pan, pour in the coconut milk and stir until the coconut cream breaks down. Then add the curry paste that we pounded and stir until fragrant. Everyone, keep stirring until the coconut milk breaks down and our curry paste is cooked and fragrant. Then we season it with tamarind juice, powdered sugar, seasoning, salt. That's it. We have a delicious coconut milk curry. Then first Turn off the gas. We will add the shrimp and squid later because the shrimp and squid are exposed to the heat for just a moment and then they are cooked. We shouldn't boil them for a long time. Then we pour them over the rice noodles and fresh vegetables. We've just prepared this and we've got a delicious snack to eat. Khanom jeen, coconut milk curry with seafood. Friends, try making it. It's really delicious. Khanom jeen noodles are dry noodles. We're going to soak them. Then go and clean it thoroughly. Because it is boiled, then we put it in the water and rinse it about 3 times, then let it rest and let it drain. Because the water has flowed out, then it will be delicious to eat. Thank you all friends. See you again. If we make any easy or delicious food, we will bring it to you again. Goodbye.

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