wall plants & will feel like heaven in the near future


Dear my friends

in recent years in our place dust pollution continues to increase day by day due to damaged causeway and many sand trucks passing by, the government has repeatedly taken precautions but never succeeded and our air has become polluted scary problem.

many residents try to do something to reduce the dust carried by the wind during the day like voluntarily watering the street, although it doesn't help much but it can clean the air for a while, but where we usually enjoy coffee, we do someone different, yeah like you see we plant a grape and we take care of it vines by making it a wall, although this is not very functional but this plant produces coolness and dust will reduce our attack speed.

grape vines are one of the rare types of plants and for the first time growing in our place, previously we have tried several times but failed due to the very hot weather, this time we seem to have succeeded in growing a vine and will become a dust shield and also in the future This grape will produce delicious fruit.

Honestly, I personally have never enjoyed fresh grapes directly picked from the garden, it seems like this will be a great achievement in our life, every day I often watch videos about the vineyard and it is like an amazing show where someone can pick some grapes that has been ripe and directly enjoyed in the garden, that is a wonderful thing.

here are some potraits of our vines;


young shoots after we cut several times the shoots and now have produced young leaves.


young shoots after we cut several times the shoots and now have produced young leaves.


dust sticking to the old leaves, this will become a shield in the future


dust sticking to the old leaves, this will become a shield in the future


we made it like a wall and now it feels cool and we feel like in the garden when we enjoy coffee


we made it like a wall and now it feels cool and we feel like in the garden when we enjoy coffee


a special place we made to grow grape


fermented soil appearance suitable for grape varieties


we will add some polybags, we plan to fill the entire section with grape walls.

Grapes are fruit plants in the form of vines belonging to the Vitaceae family.[1] This fruit is usually used to make grape juice, jelly, wine, grapeseed and raisin oil, or eaten raw.[1] This fruit is also known for containing many polyphenolic compounds and resveratol which play an active role in various body metabolisms, and are able to prevent the formation of cancer cells and various other diseases.[2] This activity is also related to the presence of secondary metabolites in grapes that act as antioxidant compounds that are able to ward off free radicals.Wikipedia

thank you very much for visiting my blog, those are some portraits of the grape vines we planted as dust shields, see you in the next post with a different topic.

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