The beautiful flower of robusta coffee

Dear my friends

today I am back here to show you the charm of beautiful & amazing flowers that I have captured through the camera lens, and all these portraits are special for you.

The flower portrait that I share with you today is one type of flower that is familiar to everyone, namely the "Robusta coffee flower" which is a type of flower that is obtained from a money-making plant for farmers.

the appearance of the coffee flower from the side

coffee flower when viewed from above

piled coffee flowers on a black background

the coffee flower still looks wet from the rain

the appearance of coffee flowers piled up from the side of the flower, and everything looks beautiful

Robusta coffee (Latin name Coffea canephora or Coffea robusta) is a descendant of several coffee species, especially Coffea canephora. This type of coffee grows well at an altitude of 400-700 m above sea level, a temperature of 21-24° C with 3-4 dry months in a row and 3-4 times of rain. Fruit quality is lower than Arabica and Liberica. Wikipedia

Are you a flower #photography lover? yeah if you are someone who likes about flower photos don't hesitate to follow me and give a little support, every day I will present great photos for you.

but if you like flowers in the form of works of art like the following picture, and you can get them for free on the great channel that has been provided by @ausbitbank and click on here to join.



Camera usedAndroid
TypeRealme 5i


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