Beautiful potrait of Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis

Dear my friends

I usually share portraits of wild flowers that grow in the forests of Aceh, for today I will share some portraits of vegetable plants that I cultivate for family consumption, I'm sure some of you are familiar with this plant, especially those of you who live in Asian countries. I say that because this plant is very popular with people living in Asian countries and especially the people of Indonesia.

some time ago this vegetable had reached an all-time high price of $1.2 per kilogram, it was caused by a notification from the health department which stated that this vegetable plant was very beneficial for nursing mothers, so in an instant this vegetable had a significant demand and made the price soar tall, do you know the name of this plant??

Yeah,, this is a long bean (Vigna unguiculata Sesquipedalis group) is one of the popular vegetable crops in Southeast Asian and East Asian cuisine. The pods are cooked as a vegetable or eaten raw as a salad. It grows by climbing or twisting. The part that is used as vegetables or fresh vegetables is fruit (pods) that are still young and the fibers are still soft. These long beans are easy to find in the hot regions of Asia. The leaves are called lavender and can also be processed into vegetables. How to plant long bean plants is to plant directly by inserting 2-3 seeds into a hole as deep as 1-2 cm then backfill with soil, flowering at the age of 30 days and starting to harvest at 45 days. Wikipedia

young leaves of long bean plants that just came out and Indonesian people usually pick the young leaves to make vegetable dishes.

a small bag that wraps the young leaves of the long bean plant

a small bag that wraps the young leaves of the long bean plant

small bag that wraps the flower of the long bean plant

small bag that wraps the flower of the long bean plant

beautiful long bean flower because she resembles a hen's tail, look closely and you will say the same thing

beautiful long bean flower because she resembles a hen's tail, look closely and you will say the same thing

an important part of this plant, and this is what is called long beans and this will be harvested in the next 7 days, nursing mothers can contact me to get high nutritional vegetables

an important part of this plant, and this is what is called long beans and this will be harvested in the next 7 days, nursing mothers can contact me to get high nutritional vegetables

If you are interested in cultivating this plant yourself, then you can take the seeds contained in the long beans and then you can sow in a good container and free from small animals such as ants and so on.

This vegetable has been consumed by Indonesians from time to time with various types of cuisine, if you visit Indonesia don't forget to taste the dishes made from long beans and I am sure you will be addicted to this dish.

thank you very much for visiting my blog, those are some portraits of long bean plants & a little explanation about them, see you in the next post with a different topic.

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