Movie Recommendation - Secret Obsession

Hello everyone. I realized that I haven't shared movie recommendation content for a while. And I decided to introduce you to the movie 'Secret Obsession' that I watched recently.

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It is possible to see scenes from drama and romantic genres in the movie, which is in the thriller genre.
When you watch the movie, you can see what an obsessive person can do. You can see that an obsessed person will not even hesitate to commit murder in order to overcome the obstacles in his way.


The movie begins when a woman named Jennifer is hit by a vehicle while fleeing from a person at night. Injured after the event, Jennifer suffers amnesia and does not know anyone. When she is discharged from the hospital, she begins to live with her husband, Russell. In fact, everything is normal until here. But the situation is not at all noon. Jennifer lives with an obsessed man who is actually the murderer of her husband and even of her entire family.


In our movie, we have a daring detective who is a must for all thrillers. Suspecting the strangeness of the events, Detective Ryan goes after Russell and the movie evolves into the detective genre.

The film is about a woman who lost her memory, mistaking her husband for an obsessive murderer who murdered her husband and family, and living in the same house.

If you like thriller-crime and detective movies, I recommend you to watch it.


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