Everything is attractive in different presence of nature

Friends, Happy Monday everyone.

Today's weather has become more beautiful and bright. In fact, after last week's showers, the weather is back to normal, it seems that a normal environment is prevailing now. As we always see bright atmosphere and sunny skies, it is exactly the same now.

When I left for office this morning, the environment was very bright and beautiful, the scenery around was much brighter and the environment was nice to see. But it is true that sometimes nature changes its form, sometimes nature manifests its aggressive presence and sometimes nature magnifies the surrounding beauty.


Nature is truly a great blessing for us, it can be said without a doubt. But we who are civilized in modern civilization do not understand the fact that they are regularly destroying nature and expressing their greedy attitude. We do not understand that there is no progress in destroying nature, and because of this mistake nature's attitude is changing. Sometimes nature tries to warn us by showing aggressive forms.




The morning scenes were much sweeter, because the surroundings became brighter and brighter in the beautiful nature. I enjoy the scenes a lot and capture some scenes with mobile.



Then I am more impressed with my afternoon scenes, because then nature takes a slightly different look and the sun prepares to set. Indeed, these scenes always become more enchanting and make the surroundings more attractive.



I do photography for fun, capturing mesmerizing scenes on my way to and from the office. Express feelings with you and present scenes with him.

All are my original Photography, device Redmi 9.

Thanks all.




I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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