wild fruit in the forest

Hello everyone, how are you today, I hope you are fine today and of course better than yesterday, of course for all my friends in this beloved community, good luck to all of you who are always active here.

At this meeting I will show you some pictures of wild fruit that I found in the wilderness in my area and this fruit is red. And we encounter many of these plants on the banks of rivers by way of propagating over other plants. And this plant is very easy and can be found on the banks of rivers and usually climbs up bamboo trees.

This plant has a fruit color that is green if it is not ripe and if it is ripe it turns red and anyone who sees this fruit will be interested because it is very good, the color is red.

the contents of this fruit are black and taste a bit bitter and the benefits are very many of this fruit and can be used as traditional medicine such as medicine for fever or malaria.

And it's also very easy for me to see this rare fruit on the bank of the river. When I went to the river, a few things ago I picked it and brought it back to my house for me to collect in my house and hang it on my porch. So, when I was about to go down to my home area, I also captured some pictures of this rare fruit with my cellphone camera for me to share in this beloved community for all my friends who are here.

That's my post this time and see you again in the next post, of course, with a different picture, of course, and thank you for reading my post this time, I hope it's useful.

Camera usedHandphone
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