Photography of the beauty of purple golden flowers

hello friends, how are you today, I hope today is better than the previous days, of course for all of us. I hope today is more successful than yesterday, of course for the friends here, especially those who are always active with me in the community. this is what we love together.

Today I am back here in front of all of us and I want to show you some photography of the beauty of purple golden flowers that I captured some time ago when I traveled to the rice fields to see rice in the rice fields.

while on the way I saw along the road a lot of these flower plants growing there and at this time it was the flower holiday and the purple flowers were very beautiful according to the pest and I was so interested and my eyes were so fixed on the flowers So I stopped my motorbike to take several pictures of the purple golden flowers with the cellphone camera that I have every day.

OK, friends, below, let's look at some pictures of purple golden flowers that I captured a few moments ago. I hope you like them and will be entertained.

OK, friends, thank you all for coming to my post. That's all the photography of the beauty of purple golden flowers that I have presented to all of you above. I hope my friends like it. That's all from me and we'll see you again in the next post, of course. in this community that we all love.

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