photography of several species of insects and beetles

good afternoon cch community friends, how are you, I hope all of
you are always in good health, and have a pleasant day, and this afternoon, I want to share macro photography on the Spotless ladybird insect species, and the Caterpillar and leaf beetle species. , and below we will see my pictures, of some wild insects.

I found photography for the first time while hunting for insects and whatever I got, but the first time I got a Spotless ladybird insect, which was walking on a branch of a wild plant, with that opportunity I tried to photograph it, slowly so that this insect it doesn't move fast, so I can focus when I'm focusing with a macro lens camera, and I only get a few parts, because this insect keeps walking around, and finally it loses track of this insect, and looks for another one.

I got hairy caterpillars on different leaves, and in the same place, because I was looking for insects by staring with focus at the leaves of the bushes, and I got a hairy caterpillar, and I immediately tried to take a picture of the hairy caterpillar, which was play.

small leaf beetle, which is very wild in various places, I can easily look for this beetle, in wild leaves, whether in your place this beetle is wild or not, in my area this beetle is so wild that I almost get bored when I see the beetle small colored ones like this, because these small wild beetles, there are lots of colors, but not like this beetle, which I always see on the leaves, what I mean is wild colored beetles like this, and friends can see my photography today , hope it's interesting, thank you.

megapixels macro lens, redminot9 cellphone camera

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