Zinnia elegans

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I am back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of beautiful bright pink flowers. This morning I was very happy because I saw in the garden in front of the house there were beautiful flowers blooming. I have been waiting for a long time for the plant to flower and now that the wait has arrived, I am very happy.

This beautiful flowering plant is called the zinnia elegans flower and the plant is an annual ornamental plant. Even though this plant has a short lifespan, it is very much sought after by ornamental plant lovers. One of the reasons many fans flock to it is that the flowers have many color variations such as red, pink, yellow, white, orange and there are also a mixture of colors in one flower.

Apart from that, zinnia plants are also ornamental plants with a very simple cultivation process. So, the way to propagate zinnia plants is by picking old or dry flowers, then taking the seeds from the flowers, then sowing them on land that is free from weeds. Apart from that, don't forget to water it with water so it grows quickly and wait for it to grow on its own, the growth process takes approximately one week.

Well, here I am not showing how to cultivate it but just want to show the beauty of the flowers. Let's see together below👇

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