Unique butterfly on a green leaf

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I am back here and on this occasion I want to show you a picture of a unique butterfly on a green leaf. This butterfly looks different from other butterflies in general. The butterflies that we often see when they stop or stand on leaves have their wings up, but this butterfly is different, its wings are attached to the leaves. Try to pay close attention to whether what I just said is true or false.

At first I thought it wasn't a butterfly because from the first time I saw it, its wings never moved. After I observed it and looked at it at a closer distance, I knew that it was a tiny, super unique butterfly. I stood there for a long time waiting for it to move its wings, but it didn't move either.

Because I was too curious, I tried to touch it and it turned out it flew to another place, not far from its original place. After he stopped at a new place, he returned to remaining as before, acting like a dead creature. It doesn't seem like a butterfly that can fly long distances. I saw him fly about a distance of only one meter from the starting place to another place.

For more details about the beauty of this unique butterfly, let's look at it together below👇

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