
Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of beautiful insects that I encounter in the wild. For those of you who have the same hobby as me, you will definitely be familiar with this very tiny insect. The size of this insect is very small, which made it a little difficult for me to photography it.

Actually, the main problem here is not the size of the insect but rather the gentle breeze which always sways the place where the insect is standing. So when we take photos the photos are always blurry. When you get a moment like that, your patience is really tested. But I didn't waver from all that, I kept trying until I got satisfactory results. I took the photo only using the default lens on the Android without using an additional lens.

The insect I photographed is called a ladybug. This ladybug is one of the beetles in the small beetle category. This ladybug is a little different from the larger beetle, in that this ladybug has its wings hidden behind its back. If we don't pay close attention then the wings cannot be seen except when he is flying. The ladybug that I met was on one of the leaves of a plant in the wild, it looked like she was enjoying the leaf. For more details about his appearance, let's look at it together below👇

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