Beautiful shots of beautiful flowers that I found in the wild

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I am back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of beautiful flowers that I found in the wild. The flower looked very beautiful which made me interested in approaching it. The flowers also bloom at the same time, like a pair of lovers in love.

Here, not only was I captivated by its charm, but the bees were also captivated by it. There are many bees that come to the flower, but most of them are liars. None of them stayed on the flower for long. It seems like they just smell the flower, usually if bees suck honey it takes a long time, they enjoy it first. But here I didn't see any bees enjoying it, they just smelled the flowers.

The flower is called Israeli grass flower, in agricultural circles this plant is known as a nuisance weed. These plants are easy to grow so they can grow anywhere. They grow without knowing the place, in places where there are cultivated plants, they are also present there. Especially in a place that has just been cleaned, they will definitely compete to grow there. The point is that the life of grass plants is very disturbing for farmers.

Instead of having a headache thinking about their very disturbing lives, it's better now to just enjoy the beauty of the flowers. Let's see together below👇

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