Appearance of the sky at dusk

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of the appearance of the sky before sunset. Here I managed to capture two very amazing things, namely the sunset and the clouds which were also very beautiful.

Sunset is a natural phenomenon that is most awaited by photographers. As the sun sets the sun slowly turns orange. At that time, many memorable romantic things were created. So many people are waiting for it. Enjoying the sunset is really short, but waiting for it to arrive is really long. Even though it's been a long time, this phenomenon is still the best.

Try to pay attention to the sunlight, it is very beautiful, especially when there is a black mist around it which adds to the impression of interest in it. In other places there are also wisps of white clouds which are no less interesting. The place where the cloud is located is also very precise, the cloud is flanked by a large tree, on the left and a threat. The clouds piled up like cotton balls slipping out of your grasp. Wow, very beautiful, memorable moment, worth remembering.

I captured that moment a few minutes ago before the call to prayer sounded. Now let's see together below👇

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