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Today's phone photography session

I skipped a few days in my photo journal due to the bad weather. On days when I can't even go outside and have a walk with my dog is quite frustrating. So, whenever the weather permits then I would take it as a good opportunity to take photos as well.

Today's weather was phenomenal!

I took a lot of photos but I'm only posting 3 of the good ones that I got from this session. These kinds of plants are growing wildly around our place and they outgrow this area during the summer season. This place is also ideal for cattle to graze. Occasionally, there are herders who bring a few cattle to eat on the grass and clean this place. Amazingly, the cattle only eat the grass and leave the plants with flowers on them. I'm not really sure why they don't eat these plants but I figured that it's a good thing. Let them munch on the unwanted grass and groom this place for more flowers to thrive.

Nature is truly amazing!

Have a great day!