Plant chilies

Hello, welcome to Ecency friends. Today I want to show you some photos of the activities I did a few days ago when I was in the garden. Our local friends are farmers so we carry out daily activities at college, among our activities are planting areca nut, planting durian and harvesting it.![]( So on this occasion we are not planting chilies the same as usual, so last year we bought a garden so we saw that we could still use the funds to plant chilies because the betel nut plants were still not big and dense enough so we could still use them for farming. under it![](

There are two ways to plant chilies:

  1. intensive


Our Ecency friends only use the second technique, namely natural techniques, that is, we only rely on natural conditions and conditions, or more precisely, we just plant them, basically that is what our previous people did, even so, we give a little fertilizer to our plants because There are big plants that suck up the fertilizer in the soil, so we add more so that the chilies grow well.
The chilies that we plant are the rather large cayenne peppers that we usually plant. We planted the chilies in August last year, so some of the branches were already starting to bear fruit and some we had just planted.
The harvest period is 3 months from planting so our chilies have entered the second harvest, the results are still small, we will get a big harvest later in the 6th stage, the results are many and the trees are big.

Photography |

call it bencong chili, and a type of lano chili.
The chili that we are planting today is Lano chili.


Camera Used | Henpon

Model | A20f

Photographer | @petani

Location | Aceh, Indonesia

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