Street Fruit Seller


How are you all, good luck to all of you wherever you are. Today I met a fruit seller. If you go to a fruit market, you will meet a fruit seller. But I met a fruit seller on the side of the highway. The question arises what is this. After a bit of dialogue, the stall where they sell it was flooded and is still inundated to this day. Indeed, North Aceh has been hit by floods in recent days. They must continue to seek sustenance for the sake of their beloved family. This is what they do to support their families at home.

They used the narrow side of the road at great risk. While they were arranging and preparing the fruits, several buyers came to offer their wares. Direct negotiations take place between buyers and sellers. Some buy some don't. They look friendly when selling, I'm sure the merchandise will sell quickly and sell well.


They sell various kinds of fruits, such as oranges, rambutan fruit, langsat fruit, grapes, and other fruits. If it is easy to sell they will buy and resell. In doing this, they are not alone, usually two or three people.


With open cars, they trade fruit. Driving alone looking for fruit to Medan city. They also buy local fruits grown by the community such as mangoes, durians and other fruits. The extraordinary struggle they do to find halal sustenance.

Waiting for the flood waters to recede, they will return to trading where they usually do. Hopefully this disaster will pass quickly, people can return to their daily activities to earn a living.

Here are some moments that I managed to capture from fruit traders on the side of the highway:







That's a short story that I can convey, hopefully it will be useful. I'm sure there are still many shortcomings, for all the shortcomings, please forgive me. Thank You

Best Regards @p3d1

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