Cool things will be paired with children. My daughter likes to drink chrysanthemum juice.


Greetings to all my friends in the evening. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their daily lives.Today I have a story to tell in today's story. It's a story about my daughter. As you know, I have a duty to take care of my children.Therefore, most of the stories that are written will come from children.For example, today my husband and I took our daughter out for dinner at a restaurant in the shrine. Because we don't have many favorite restaurants. Regular restaurants go to eat very often.Sometimes I'm bored. Try to find a new place to eat. When ordering food and drinks, they are served at the table.Daughter let the drink arrive before the meal. They drank it all before the food was even served.The drink soon ran out. because it is chrysanthemum juice and cold So they are easy to drink.If you observe, you will know that children like cold things such as ice cream, soft drinks, or anything cold.When the drink runs out The food arrived just right.When finished eating, they took a walk to digest the food. By going to see the performance of the shrine held before go back home.

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