My efficient trip to the mall 😊

Today is already Friday at my end and wifi is at its weakest at the moment so it's quite a challenge. I had been planning to join #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle for quite sometime now and I'm happy to be able to join today, finally 😊.

It's my first to join so I'm a little nervous, but of course, I will never learn if I shouldn't try, right? So here I am...hello everyone 👋👋👋, how are you doing? 🤗 We like Fridays, don't we?

I'm going to share with you today my recent trip to the mall. Just a decent sized mall, 😊. It is just around twenty minutes drive away depending on the traffic. No, I didn't drive. I took a lift on my brother's car when he took the boys to school for graduation practice. So that meant it's a reasonable time but when we got to the mall, it was still close but the supermarket. So we had to wait a little bit inside the supermarket. And because we're there, we bought a bit of fresh vegetables, paid $2.15. We don't want to buy more because, these items are fresh and had to wait to get home. 😁

Anyway, what made me thought of going to the mall is that last year around July, I got the lenses of my eyeglasses changed because I feel that it is time. I have asked the optician for transition, progressive lenses. But last month, when I had a morning walk with my brother, I noticed and he noticed that only one lense went dark. I was speechless, I couldn't believe I'll notice it after ten months of using it already.

To be honest, I felt discomfort many many times but I never checked because I am so trusting I always thought that maybe it's just my eyes playing tricks on me.. When I feel discomfort, I just change my eyeglasses with sunglasses when I'm out because I think they work better against sun's glare and the fact that it's the easiest thing to do.

Finally, we're allowed to go to the mall and I saw that the people in the optical shop were already busy wiping this and that. I have given them ten minutes before I went in.

I didn't take a photo of the shop, I don't want to damage their reputation despite what happened. Maybe it was just an honest mistake, who knows.

I told the lady what I noticed on the eyeglasses that they got to change last year and showed them a photo of me wearing the glasses in the sun. And she was like, you just noticed now?! Haven't you gone to another shop?! So I said, "I have never gone to another shop since I started using eyeglasses".

That is true, I'm kind of loyal or just maybe do not like change so I keep on coming to them, 😅. Maybe I should give the other shops a try after this incident, just maybe.

Well, I didn't go there to make their day bad. So I said, please get the lenses changed because they're scratched anyway. Another lady checked my eyes and they said it's ready after an hour. I paid for it first, before getting out and do some wandering around the mall because I'm not sitting there just to wait. And you know what, they just made me pay for one lense. Which cost me $32.15 for one... I'll just say, I'm happy enough. 😊

So my sister whom I asked for a company and I, started to wander around the mall. I decided to have a haircut, why not? This is actually my first haircut by a hairdresser after those years of pandemic. No, I didn't leave my hair without a trim that long. Just that, I learned to chop my hair by myself. Very handy skill. 😁 I paid $6.25 for the haircut. Uhm, maybe next time I'll just do it myself. I'm not pretty satisfied and my sister agreed. Nevermind, occasional hairdresser visit won't hurt.

After the hairdresser visit, I thought of visiting the bookstore and see if there's something that is interesting. I got myself not a book but something that I need. I paid $2.90. That was a nice wandering about and killing time.

We went upstairs to look for a pair of shoes, because my accumulated pair of shoes at home (a lot of them) got stuck in boxes during the pandemic that I'm only brave to wear those that were out of the boxes and they're looking a little tired now. Not getting rid of them yet, I just want them to have a little rest, haha. So I need an alternative that is comfortable not a replacement. There's nothing much on the selection, so I got this pair and paid $7.10, not bad.

Then I thought, we should go back for my glasses and I made it sure that they're wearable and not hurt my eyes more. All good and I got given a bit of goodies. This is a practice of this optical shop to give a bit of a gift to their first customer. But I never got a single apology for their inefficiency. No problem...🙂

After all the wandering about, my tummy was telling me something, so we had a light and early lunch there, too. We had this fresh vegetable rolls with iced refreshments. Mine is the purple one. It has purple yam flavored jelly and loaded with grated young coconut flesh at the bottom. So refreshing. 😋 After we had our fill, I decided to buy "pau" a steamed white buns with braised pork as a filling to take home. And all cost me $10.70.

So happy that in just half a day, I had done quite a bit even if that means lighter purse, haha. But I have a pair of glasses that's comfortable to wear now.

Thank you very much @dswigle for having me here in #MarketFriday. Have a wonderful Friday. 🤗🌻🌻🌻

Thank you very much. 🌹🌹🌹

*all photos are taken by me unless otherwise stated.

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