Cool trip to the highlands! (phone photography)

Hello all, how are you doing? 🤗

Today, I thought of sharing photos from my recent trip with my family up the highlands, Baguio City. Literally, it's a lot cooler up the highlands than the lowlands. Probably around twenty degrees lower temperature. It's only around three hours drive from home but I seldom go up there because of work. But this time I had to make a decision.

The last time I've seen my sister and my brother in-law was my last visit in the UAE. That was over a year ago already. It had been awhile particularly when the pandemic halted travelling. Yeah, they're here for a visit finally. And they both planned this family trip to BC.

So, although initially I said I'm not coming, I decided to come eventually. This is a rare occassion with my siblings, their spouses and their kids, so why not. Must be something that I shouldn't miss. So yeah, I had to ask for two days leave and it had been granted as long as I will deal with the students' schedule. So I packed my overnight bag with necessities in it. And we set off the next morning.

We did a stop over in one of the 7elevens around for necessities like toilet rolls, bottled water, etc.

Driving up was a little tricky. We took one of the two roads going up where huge trucks take to get to the highlands. And they were struggling to go up and the road is not that wide. So there were a lot of moments that we couldn't move forward as quickly as we wanted to. It was like an obstacle race. After avoiding one obstacle, another will pop up as the road is zigzaggy and mountainous.

The most important thing is we got there safely in this beautiful green and colourful place. And a perfect temperature that I wished to take back home in the lowlands if only it's possible, haha.

Arriving at the villa where we all stayed overnight. Big enough to accomodate all of us. This is Camp John Hay, BC, Phils.

Like I said earlier, it's a green and colourful place that it's great to walk around and relax in fresh air and wonderful temperature.

Just the surroundings of the villa are variety of trees, of plants and of flowers and equally attractive rented villas.

There are numerous plants and flowers just around the villa. These are just a few of them. Maybe later on I'll share some more photographs from my morning walk with my brother.

It was a great one night two days stay to have a bit of a chill up the highlands with family...

Time flies fast and before we know it, we're all back in our own lives.

Thanks for reading...
I wish you all a pleasant Wednesday. 🤗🌳🌹🍀🌷🌲

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