Today's photography pets, our family would arguably have two doggies.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,
Hello my dear friends,
good afternoon,
how are you all I hope you are all well and healthy. Alhamdulillah by the infinite mercy of Allah Subhanataala I am also well and healthy. Health is the need of every human being. Health is one of the blessings of Allah. So, friends, I am here today. Two new doggies male and female have joined our family. The first one was brought to our house today.

Usually I love to understand animals I have birds and cats in my house today two new white dogs are added these dogs are very cute they are covered with fur these dogs are from 12 inches to 18 inches long so this dog is named mini doggy . I took pictures with my phone camera in the afternoon as we were brought home, bathed and fed. Usually I bathe them constantly with shampoo.

Dogs need to be taken care of like humans. Everyone in our family loves animals. I bought these dogs enthusiastically from any animal family. . But due to its high price, I have not been able to buy it. I am buying these two doggies from e hobby from online income.

As soon as I grabbed the camera, he gave me a slightly angry look as I flashed the picture. Pictures are taken by increasing the beautiful brightness while taking pictures. Everyone is a stranger to this new place, so the dogs are shouting a little.

These dogs don't bark very loudly compared to other dogs, so the house environment is nice. I like these dogs better. I hope that within a day or two I will be able to post them and take pictures of them.

Now I'm a little afraid, that's why I took the pictures from a little distance. Both of them are tied together with a rope so that they can't run away.

Picture Photography
•Category/ pets
•Camera Used/ Handphone
•Model / vivo on 15y
•Photographer @mdsahin111
•Location Aceh / Malaysia
Software Editing Adobe Lightroom

So friends, this was today's photography blog. I hope you like it. If you like it, please let me know through comments. I hope that everyone will be fine and healthy. I always hope that God will bless everyone. If there are any mistakes in my writing, please forgive me. God bless everyone.

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