Natural beauty flower photography

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim,
Hello my dear friends,
good afternoon,
how are you all I hope that everyone is well and healthy by the infinite mercy of Allah Subhanataala. Alhamdulillah by the infinite mercy of Allah Subhanataala and your prayers I am also fine and healthy. Health is one of the blessings of Allah Subhanataala, so it is a moral duty to give thanks when one is healthy. And even if you are sick, you should thank Allah, because Allah is the owner of healing from illness. So guys let's talk about today's main point.

This flower plant is very adept at propagating flowers constantly
Today I will be presenting about flower photography which is a symbol of natural beauty. Photography is beautiful only when the photographer captures the beauty through his writing and I will try my best to write on photography. I took the camera very close and photographed this flower. The name of this flower is called Peaceful in our village language.

These page flowers of white forest are very nice to see. They are usually planted in front of the house or inside the park so that the beauty of the surrounding emerges. Different flowers are different types of flowers.

If you want to photocopy flowers, you have to get up early in the morning and you have to do flower photography while you are paying attention to the flowers. The real beauty of flowers emerges in the morning. Similarly, the flowers bloom in the afternoon and smell in the evening.

While taking pictures, I took the pictures with my own phone camera, collecting each picture from inside the park. This park is located in Malaysia. This park is mainly made for people to exercise and the road site is beautiful with flowers and trees.

Picture Photography

•Category flower
•Camera Used Handphone
•Model vivo on 15y
•Photographer @mdsahin111
•Location Aceh / Malaysia
Software Editing Adobe Lightroom

So friends, today's photography blog taken with my camera, I hope this article of mine will touch your hearts. If there are any mistakes in my writing, please forgive me as a friend. I hope that everyone will be fine and healthy. I hope that God bless you all.

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