Kakteen doing photography with mobile phone

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,

Hello my photographer lover friends,
good afternoon,
how are you all I hope everyone is well and healthy by Allah's infinite mercy Alhamdulillah I am also well and healthy by your prayers and Allah's infinite mercy. Today I have come to you with some new photography. These photographs are taken with my own camera. These beautiful Kakteen are mixed with natural.

It is placed inside the basket so that it does not fall in the wind

How beautifully Allah has created the world with different types of trees, trees, rivers, streams, fruits, etc. Through it, people are presenting different types of natural beauty to nature. They are collected from different forests and spread among our society and nature. Kakteen is one of the medicinal plants. . These trees are very beautiful to look at.

Kakteen trees are usually cut around the various species of Kakteen trees. I present to you three types of Kakteen tree photography, large, medium and small. White and green Kakteen plants.

I am collecting these photographs from a nursery in Malaysia. Basically, I went to visit that Nasir and then I am collecting these photos. The first time I saw Kakteen was planted inside this Nasir.

They are grown on rocks in light soil and do not require much care. The plants grow quickly if only watered once in a while. I brought along a Kakteen plant from the nursery.

Friends, this is my mobile photography blog today. I hope you will like this article. If you like it, please comment. And if there is any mistake in my writing, I hope that everyone will be fine and healthy. May God bless everyone.

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