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Photographing the sun that will set until it sinks from the rice fields

Hi nest friends
Good night all. Hopefully we are all always in good condition wherever we are, and today's activities go smoothly as planned.
Tonight I will share some pictures that I took this afternoon, when I was spraying the rice trees in the rice fields, to get rid of the annoying rice pests, because my rice trees are already bearing fruit but they are not old and cannot be harvested. And here are some pictures I took. when the sun has started to set, the sun is still visible and the weather is still bright and beautiful

And this,,! the view of the sun that had set and the sun was not visible at all, it was getting dark, but I saw the view was getting more beautiful, and I took it again, before I went home. But,,,? there are still many seriti birds flying for food that were caught on my smartphone camera

Hopefully the pictures that I present tonight can entertain all nest friends who are resting at home, hopefully your rest tonight is comfortable and tomorrow morning you can wake up quickly,
Regards @lasman07