Travel & Photography Time 10th Day In Bangladesh Military museum

Hey This is me @labibasultana.You can see my introduction. I am From Bangladesh. Today I gone share My experience of Bangladesh military museum. Last Tuesday, I and my uncle and aunt went to the museum. I woke up at 6 am and left home at 7 am. I met uncle and aunt at 7.30 then we hired a car to go to the museum together.

We went to Farmgate and reached at 9.30. Then we finish breakfast. From there we went to the museum. Buy tickets for 4 people which cost a total of $4.Everyone is checked upon entering the museum. Total 5 floors including museum underground.First we explored the 1st floor and then went underground. There was a submarine below. 3D animation was shown. Seafarers' belongings were seen.

Some guns were visible on the 2nd floor. The museum is so big that our feet started to hurt. I was looking around outside. It's really Amazing experience to us. We are enjoy this tip. I click some photos of this museum. You can See All those photos.....

3D animation

Then we left the museum around 12.30 pm. Break for lunch at the museum around 1 pm. And they open again at 3 o'clock. Military Museum captures the history and traditions of Bangladesh.

All gun bullets

DeviceI phone 14, Redmi note 8 pro
Date7 February 2023
I hope you enjoy this pictures .I am not professional photographer please perdon my mistakes. If you like or enjoy this pictures you can write a comment for my inspiration.

Thank You

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