Shows the atmosphere in a school

hello all cch friends! how are you today! I pray that all my friends are always in good health and can carry out their activities as usual. Hopefully our activities today will get the results we hope for.

on this occasion I will share some pictures about student activities at school, I got these pictures of students when I took my child to school at the school and when I got there I saw the conditions of the students while waiting for their class time. Some of those who had just arrived were chatting with their friends and some were sitting enjoying the morning air at school.

my venerable cch friend
A few days ago I took my daughter to school and after I arrived at the school I saw the condition of the students there and also those who were sitting around waiting for class to start. I didn't waste this opportunity. Then I took several photos of the student's condition using a Samsung cellphone camera, then I edited the pictures first using the Adobe Lightroom application before uploading them to this community post. Hopefully my friends will be entertained.

sorry, we know that school is a place to study knowledge and at school there is also training and education which is very useful for a student's life and at school before class starts in the morning the students must first come to school whether they are accompanied by their parents or go alone by bicycle at exactly 08.00 in the morning, the students will all go to class to study, but before that they can be seen sitting around in the school yard and also talking with their friends.

OK, friends, here we go, let's look at some pictures about the condition of students at a school. I hope you all will be entertained and like them.

that's what I can share in this post, hopefully it's useful and can be entertained, thank you for the visit and support from all my friends and finally see you in my next post, of course, in this community
Thank You

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