My activity was when I bought some kitchen spices at the market

hello friends! How are you today! I pray that all my friends will always be in good health so that they can carry out their activities as usual. And I hope that today's activities will get results according to what we have hoped for. And today I feel very happy because I can still make posts with all my friends. in this greatest community.

on this occasion I will write and share several pictures about my activities a few days ago, namely when buying some herbs or spices which are usually used when cooking, this activity I did together with my beloved wife and took place at a market that sells various utensils or kitchen spices, in this case I did not waste this opportunity which I captured several pictures when I took photos using a Samsung brand cell phone camera and before I posted these pictures, I first edited the pictures using the application. Adobe Lightroom so the image looks clearer and more attractive.

my venerable cch friend
a few days ago, together with my beloved wife, I went to buy kitchen utensils or kitchen spices at one of the markets not far from where I live. I went there on a motorbike and it took me about 15 minutes by controlling the motorbike at speed. standard and when I got there I rushed to one of the shop owners to buy some kitchen spices that were sold there and I saw that one of the selling places was very complete and of very good quality of the goods they were selling.

some kitchen utensils or kitchen spices are sold in one of these places, such as tomatoes, small chilies, there are also garlic, there are also red chilies, there are also tofu, salted fish and several other items and in this market it is one of the markets that sells at very high prices. standard or you could say cheap prices because the goods mentioned are local goods which are brought directly to the market automatically if goods in that area can be bought and sold at cheap prices and people flock to that market.

after buying and getting some of the items or kitchen spices that we needed then we gave them several kinds of fish that were available at the market then we headed to the parking lot where the parking area was the area that had been provided and to pick up the motorbike that we parked There we left the market and rushed home. In the end, we felt very happy because we could get kitchen spices that were still fresh and also at a cheap price.

that's what I can write about my activities together with my wife when giving some kitchen utensils or spices that are usually used when cooking. Hopefully you can find what I share can be useful to all my friends and I apologize if there are any the words are unclear and less interesting and thank you for the visit and support from all my friends and finally see you in my next post of course in this greatest community
Thank you very much

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