My activity was when I topped up my cellphone credit at the kiosk

hello friends, how are you today? I hope all your friends are always healthy and can carry out their activities as usual.

On this occasion I will share several pictures of my activities a few days ago when I topped up my cellphone credit at a shop located on the side of the road and not mentioned in the village where I live and at that time I did not waste this opportunity and immortalized it. Several pictures around the credit kiosk using the cellphone camera that I have, then I edited the photos using the Adobe Lightroom application so that the images look clearer and more attractive.

a few days ago I ran out of cell phone credit and I couldn't use it anymore to call my friends so I left the house to top up credit at one of the credit kiosks located in my village, and the kiosk was located in a busy area, and also is on the side of the road where there are many vehicles on the road.
There are also many people there in front of the credit kiosk selling various kinds of food and also other community activities in the area.

and after I filled up my credit at the credit kiosk, I sat around with my friends in the village while telling stories and also observing around the road where there were many vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled and six-wheeled, so that on the side of the road and the kiosks located there are often stopped by road users who provide them with various needs such as feeding them and also buying drinking water and also topping up credit on their cellphones.

and lots of people top up their credit at the kiosk and there are also lots of people who pass by and relax while looking at the situation and relaxing in the afternoon. Then we can also observe various views on the road with various brands of trucks and also private cars that want to be used. This area is because this area is a state road that connects the province with other provinces so that there can be a lot of super drivers and also people who use this road.

That's what I can write in this post about my activities when I want to top up my credit at one of the nearest kiosks in the village where I live. And I hope this post can entertain all my friends and at the same time take advantage of it and thank you all for the visit and support from all my friends. And finally see you in my next post of course in the greatest community in the world.
Thank you very much and best wishes

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