My activity between grooms

hello friends all how are you today I pray that my friends are always in good health and can carry out activities as usual, hopefully with these activities we can get the results we want

on this occasion I will share some pictures about the activities of the groom's event to one of the houses, namely the bride who was at my place of residence a few days ago.

Hive friends that I honor
For the people of Aceh, inter-wedding is a very sacred activity because the event between the bride and groom is a tradition that has been going on for generations from the ancestors of the Acehnese.

In Acehnese society, inter-activity is referred to as intat linto. this event takes place when a young man marries a woman and after that a wedding reception or wedding reception is held, at that event the groom will be escorted to the bride's residence and at the bride's house a very lively reception is prepared and the party the bride (dara baroe) is made up wearing local traditional clothing and in Aceh wearing traditional Acehnese clothing.

Another important Linto event is usually carried out by the entire local community, namely the place where the Linto is domiciled and also the heirs of the bride and groom. and the habit of intat linto is carried out during the day before entering the noon prayer time.

All right, my friends, here, let's see some pictures about Intat Linto's activities, I hope my friends can be entertained.

That's what I can write and share in this post, I hope that all my friends can be entertained and thank you for the visit and support from friends.
See you in my next post, of course, in this beloved community.
Thank You
send regards for success

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