My activities are when preparing a place to eat and drink chicken pieces

hello friends, how are you today? I pray that this Sunday, friends, all of you will always be in good health so that you can do activities and gather with your beloved family, and I hope that this cheerful Sunday will be a very happy and blessed day.

On this occasion I will share several pictures of my activities a few days ago, namely when I prepared a place for chickens to eat and drink in the coop. As we know, this is one of the activities that can bring in money and generate and improve the economy, namely by trying to make money. My own company here, I created my own business, namely a broiler chicken farm that I used several years ago and now I am preparing several places such as a place to eat and a place to provide drinks for the chicks which will enter the cage in a few days.

This broiler chicken farming business is one of the businesses that I really come here for and I like. Apart from being fun, this broiler chicken business can generate a lot of money and also boost the economy in the household so I am very happy and serious about carrying out this chicken farming business. .

In a few days, around 10,000 broiler chickens will be brought in and I will put these chickens in the coop that I prepared a few days ago and there we also have to prepare facilities such as feed and drinking water. in terms of food, we provide our own eating place and also a drinking place which provides a drinking place that can automatically drain its own water so that we don't have to bother filling water in each drinking place.

In this broiler chicken farming business, I am also assisted by several people, especially two experts who really know how to raise broiler chickens, so there is no doubt that this broiler chicken farming can make a lot of money and from one harvest I get a profit of around 100 million for my eyes. Indonesian money.

OK, friends, here we go, let's look at some pictures of my activities when preparing a place to eat and drink for chicken that I forgot about a few days later. I hope my friends will be entertained and can take advantage of it.

that's what I can write and I share some pictures in this post, hopefully it's useful for all of us and thank you for the visit and support from all my friends and finally see you in my next post of course in this greatest community
Thank you very much
good luck for the future

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